(833) HAND VIP / Out Of Town Patients / LOCAL PATIENTS / MUSICIANS
At Concierge Carpal Tunnel and Hand Surgery, our guiding philosophy was not decided by a committee, or marketing plan, or even a team meeting – it was decided by the parents, family, pastors, and prients that raised us and guided us to become the men and women we are today. A guiding principle found in the Bible, Torah, Quran, and secular texts: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” – is not about what you do, it’s a reflection of who you are!
The core of the Golden Rule is a moral obligation to treat others ethically for their sake, not ours, even if it’s better than the way they treat us.
Why? Not because it advantageous, but
And becase the way we treat others is about
WHO WE ARE, not who they are.
Michael Josephson © 2017 Michael Josephson
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